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The top 6 challenges of deploying Private Wireless Networks


Private 5G is the next step in building a robust IoT ecosystem. It affords mobile operators and other companies the opportunity to tailor their networks for industrial use cases like autonomous cars or smart cities. But there are several challenges that must be overcome before widespread adoption of private 5G is feasible. We'll discuss these challenges in this post:

The top 6 challenges of deploying Private 5G Networks

You can overcome these challenges by considering the following strategies:

  • Defining network requirements

  • Network design and planning

  • Interoperability, vendor selection, and development testing

  • Orchestration and management of distributed infrastructure

1. Defining network requirements

The first challenge is defining the requirements of your network. This involves identifying what service, devices and applications you will offer and how they are used. You should also consider the users of these services and devices, who will have their own personal requirements based on how they use them.

2. Network design and planning

Network design and planning is a complex process that involves numerous stakeholders and requires a tremendous amount of time, money, and expertise. To ensure that you have the best possible network in place when deploying 5G, you must undertake this step with care.

3. Interoperability, vendor selection, and development testing

The third challenge is interoperability. In order to truly make a 5G network private, you must be able to seamlessly connect it with the existing public 5G networks. The key word here is seamlessly: if you can’t do this, your private network will still be subject to interference from public one and vice versa.

This means that when implementing a new system, there needs to be an element of interoperability testing in place. You may elect not to test every single device that comes through your door but some level of testing for performance, security and compatibility will ensure that everything works together as intended when deployed in the field (or in another country).

4. Orchestration and management of distributed infrastructure

In a 4G network, the infrastructure is centralized. Management and orchestration of distributed resources are new challenges for operators.

To manage these new networks, operators need to improve their knowledge of network performance and service quality. They also need to be able to predict how different traffic types will affect the overall performance of their 5G networks—a task that’s been made more complicated by the fact that most of this data will come from edge devices in their infrastructure rather than from central control points like they would have in previous generations of mobile networks (3G/4G).

5. Business models and new revenue streams

  • Business Models and New Revenue Streams

As with any new service, there's a lot of work to be done in order to understand how the business model will work. Understanding what value your customers are willing to pay for is just one piece of this puzzle. You also need to be able to estimate costs, which may include network hardware, software and services that you'll need in order to deliver this service (e.g., Wi-Fi access points or LTE small cells). Finally, it's important not only for you but also for your customers that they understand how this new offering could impact their lives: What benefits does it bring them? How much will they pay for them? Who else is going around providing similar types of services?

6. Security, safety, and privacy

  • Security, safety, and privacy

5G networks will be much more secure than previous generations of mobile networks. For example, they're expected to use 5G’s high-bandwidth capabilities and low latency to enable much faster response times when detecting intrusions and blocking them. However, there are still many questions about how our personal data will be protected in this new world of connected devices—and whether we'll even have a say in the matter.

In order for people not to worry about their privacy when using 5G devices or applications that rely on them (such as self-driving cars), it's imperative that governments make clear rules regarding consumer protections against hackers' attempts at intrusion into their private lives during regular operation as well as during emergencies like natural disasters when authorities may need access to critical infrastructure systems like power grids but want assurances that sensitive information won't fall into wrong hands through negligence or malicious intent by those developing these systems."

Private 5G provides an opportunity for mobile operators to build tailored networks for industrial IoT use cases, but there are challenges to overcome before deployment.

  • Network requirements and design are critical to the success of a private 5G deployment.

  • Interoperability between different vendors is another challenge that needs to be overcome.

  • Managing a private network can be complex, with multiple stakeholders and regulatory bodies involved.

  • Security and privacy issues need to be addressed at every touch point in the network.


In conclusion, we have outlined the top 6 challenges of deploying Private 5G Networks. private 5G deployments are still in their infancy but the potential is clear; they offer mobile operators an opportunity to build tailored networks for industrial IoT use cases that meet their specific needs. However, there are some challenges to overcome before deployment such as interoperability and security concerns among others. We hope this blog post has helped provide some insight into these challenges so that you can make informed decisions about your own private 5G deployment! If you are an organization looking to deploy or optimize your private wireless network, JUNO Software Group can help. Our team of experts has extensive experience in the private wireless domain and can provide the guidance and support you need to successfully deploy and manage your network.


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