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VAS Consolidation

Improve operational efficiency by value added services consolidation

Features and Benefits

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CAPEX and OPEX savings

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Fully virtualised environment

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Rapid network integration

Applications Portfolio

USSD Gateway - performs application selection and orchestration for subscribers USSD requests

Missed call alerts - makes your customers comfortable by never missing a call even when being offline

Notify me - alerts the callers when your customers are online again

IN-SCP - IN Service Control Point solution for voice, messaging and mobile data services using CAMEL (1,2,3), MAP and Diameter protocols

IN Virtual Private Networks - sets up a private communications network over public network resources

GMLC - performs subscriber location information APIs across 2G, 3G and 4G networks

Call Recording - record voice calls between Organisation’s customers and employees for liability protection, compliance and quality management purposes

Find out about how our services and solutions can be integrated into your business.


Our solution provides Communications Service Providers a rapid path to transform the existing messaging, IN and VAS by consolidating them in a single cost efficient environment. Our virtualised solution improves resources utilisation while reducing CAPEX and OPEX.

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